English Zone Podcast ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Charlize Theron 『イーオン・フラックス』記者会見 (1) Q. 以前来日したときに訪れた京都の印象はいかがでしたか? ほかに日本で行きたい場所や好きな食べ物はありますか? It’s my fifth time to Tokyo, and I did go to Kyoto. I love Kyoto. Unfortunately, this time around I have to go straight back to Los Angeles because I have a film and a film festival in Houston. So I can’t stay, but yeah, whenever I can stay I love to travel and see different parts. I love Japanese food. It’s my favorite food. So I’m always happy to come here because even when I’m in Los Angeles I eat Japanese food maybe five times a week. I love sushi. Q. アクションなどで最も苦労したことは何ですか? 黒髪にすることに抵抗はありましたか? No, I get very bored very easily. So I like changing my hair because at the end of the day it’s just hair and it grows back. And it’s sometimes so important to do something like that for a character. And in the case of Aeon Flux, I felt so completely different as a blonde in that wardrobe, and the day that we cut and colored my hair I felt like a warrior. All of a sudden the whole package worked and I felt incredibly strong, and I don’t think I could have played that part with blond hair. The physical aspect was the most challenging, and that was one of the primary reasons why I wanted to do this film, because I’ve never done anything like that, and it felt incredibly challenging to kind of see how far I could push myself physically to do as much of the stunt work that I possibly could do in the small amount of time that I had to prepare for this film. But I trained five hours every single day, sometimes six, seven days a week, and I learned everything from gymnastics, capoeira, martial art fighting and trained with a performer from Cirque de Soleil, who basically just trained me to be as supple as I possibly could be. And it’s incredibly mentally draining to do that to your body, but at the same time it was so much the core of this character. And I don’t think I could have, or would have wanted to do this movie unless I could do all of those elements myself. English Zone Podcast ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Charlize Theron 『イーオン・フラックス』記者会見 (1) Q. 『モンスター』と『イーオン・フラックス』の役はまるで別人のようですが、役作りの秘けつ、そして美の秘けつは何ですか? Well, I think all of my characters are completely different people. I think that’s the beauty of this job. It’s that we can do something as creatively different as “Monster” and “Aeon Flux,” and these are two women who live in completely different worlds, literally. And also, their circumstances are completely different, and that’s just part of the job, you know. I think if you ask a bank teller how they count so much money, that’s what   they do. And that’s what we as actors have to do. So whatever the material is and whatever it calls for, that’s what you have to put yourself through and kind of have to find. My secret… I don’t know. I’m a true believer in happiness. I really truly believe that when you look at somebody, and they look happy and at peace with themselves and the place that they live in their world and… that’s something very beautiful to witness. I think we should just all try and create those environments for ourselves. And then also, a really good makeup artist and hairdresser and stylist, they’re all sitting right there, so the days that you’re not so happy, you can just call them. Q. 最近、ニキ・カーロ監督(『スタンドアップ』=原題North Country)、カリン・クサマ監督(『イーオン・フラックス』)、キンバリー・ピアース監督など、女性監督との映画が多いですが、これは意図的な選択でしょうか? Well, I did “Monster” with Patty Jenkins and then this was Karyn Kusama. I didn’t work with Kimberly Pierce. And I just finished a film “North Country” with an incredible director, Niki Caro. It’s not a conscious decision. It just happened to be that way. It’s not that since I’d worked with Patty Jenkins on “Monster”that I’ve said that all I want to do was work with women, but it is nice. But at the end of the day, I want to work with good directors and the best directors that are out there. And, you know, Patty and Niki, those are some of the best directors out there that I’ve ever worked with. I don’t care whether they wear a skirt or pants. That’s really secondary to me as long as they understand the vision. I think those women have incredible visions, and to partner up with them on good material is an incredible gift.